True Sky Credit Union

Building the True Sky Brand

When True Sky Credit Union was searching for a partner to increase membership, we took an unexpected approach straight out of the gate.

Changing financial institutions isn’t something people do on a whim. The choice is often tied to big-money purchases – buying a house or a new car. And when consumers are in the market to choose, they often have a handful of established players already in mind. How do we stand out in the minds of the consumer?

The World's Most Enthusiastic Loan Officer

The creative approach centered on Larry O’Neal, an enthusiastic loan officer.  Larry provided the consistency (and the comedy) True Sky needed to differentiate itself from countless competitors in the OKC Metro.

True Sky Credit Union spokesman for campaign and commercials

The Dojo, the Day Spa and the Cooking Show

Each quarter was dedicated to specific promotions and products. Beginning with an auto loan campaign, the Larry O’Neal character took customers to a martial arts dojo, an in-branch day spa and the set of a cooking show.

For general awareness, each quarterly promotion included TV spots as well as digital and static outdoor ads placed on key stretches of highway. And to drive consideration and conversions, targeted digital and social media ads were served to audiences based on interests.


Memorable moves the needle. Through a mix of humor and smart strategy, True Sky Credit Union saw a significant increase in auto loans. It just goes to show you that different – can make all the difference.

0 %
Increase in Auto Loans

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