Bridal Path Farms at Lukfata Creek

Explore our homestead, Bridal Path Farms at Lukfata Creek, where love grows in the pause of porch swings and picnics. The ever-changing gardens and the seasonal glory in our small orchard offer a place to explore, rest and be quenched.

We offer a variety of seasonal fruits, vegetables and herbs, as well as honey from Papa’s bees, farm fresh eggs and seasonal cut flowers, including giant zinnias, dahlias, cosmos and sunflowers.

Join us on the Jelly-Making Trails for plums, apples, pears, figs, muscadine grapes, raspberries, blackberries and even jalapeƱos. Pick your own or pick up a basket or bouquet for your special person or occasion.

Papa and I are here to provide a family-friendly atmosphere with teachable moments for individuals or groups, such as day camps and workshops. A Bridal Path visit isn’t complete without checking out our homemade soaps, quilts and handiwork. Look for the Bridal Path quilt block on the chicken coop.

Check Facebook for picking times and availability. Bring your camera and be ready to pick greatness.


2612 Old Broken Bow Hwy
Broken Bow, OK


CDC Guidelines: Travel during COVID-19.