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Business Loan Application

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I finance the start-up of a small business?

Each small business has different financing needs. To determine financing needs for your business, you must first have a business plan with a complete set of financial projections, including a balance sheet, income statement and a cash flow statement. REI Oklahoma Business Lending offers one-on-one business counseling to assist you with loan applications and other issues.

Applicants are required to submit a loan application and completed business plan. In every loan application there is a checklist detailing the specific information that you need for your application.

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Approximately 2-4 weeks from the time we receive all of your required information, depending on the complexity of the transaction.

Yes. In most cases, the borrower is expected to make an investment to demonstrate a personal commitment to the business.


REI Oklahoma does not provide grants.

REI Oklahoma Business Lending only finances Oklahoma businesses.

Interest rates are determined by the current market, project, risk and other qualifying factors.